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ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET
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  • ZOEVA - The Artists Pinselset (Bordeaux) - BRUSH SET

Veganes Pinselset

The Artists Brush Set

4.9 (99)

Bordeaux Mittleres helles Rosa-Rot mit dunklem Rosa-Rot

Color: Bordeaux

Diese 15 veganen Gesichts- und Augenpinsel mit farblich abgestimmter ZOEVA The Everyday Clutch erwecken Deine kreativen Ideen zum Leben.

Im Wert von: 282 €

  • The Face Heroes

    Deine täglichen Allround-Pinsel für Foundation, Blush, Kontur, Puder, Bronzer und Highlighter.

  • The Eye Heroes

    Deine unverzichtbaren Pinsel für alle Standard-Lidschatten- und Eyeliner-Looks.

  • The Complementary

    Drei leistungsstarke, aufeinander abgestimmte Pinsel für Deine Concealer-, Augen- und Gesichts-Make-up-Routine.

  • The Face Specialists

    Mache Dich bereit für detailliertere und präzisere Make-up-Ergebnisse mit diesen professionellen Gesichtspinseln.

  • The Eye Specialists

    Ein professionelles Trio für jeden Augen-Make-up-Liebhaber.

1 von 5

Dein “The Artists” Pinselset ist handmade with love

Verlieb Dich auf den ersten Blick: Dein neues, plastikfreies Pinselset erhältst Du in einer hochwertig veredelten Schachtel. Auf der umliegenden Banderole findest Du eine Übersicht aller Pinsel, die in diesem Set auf Dich warten.

Mit viel Liebe zum Detail und von Hand vernäht, bewahren wir Deine neuen Lieblinge in einer Pinsel-Pouch aus ungefärbtem, FSC-zertifiziertem Papier auf.

Gut zu wissen

Gut zu wissen

✔️ Unsere innovativen weißen Soft-Vegan-Performance™ Haar-Mix-Pinsel tragen Pudertexturen nahtlos auf.
✔️ Pinsel aus unserem schwarzen, veganen Mono-Haar-Mix mit weißer Spitze eignen sich am besten für Creme-, Flüssig- und Geltexturen.
✔️ Das perfekte Set für kreative Kunstwerke.
✔️ In traditioneller Handarbeit mit Premium-Komponenten hergestellt.
✔️ Holzstiel zu 100% aus nachhaltiger Forstwirtschaft.
✔️ Vegan & cruelty-free.
